David Singer
Dr. David Singer
Route de Duillier 50
Case postale 1148
1260 Nyon 1

Professional info
I am a doctor in biology specialized in the diversity, the ecology and the biogeography of microeukaryotes. I did my PhD in the laboratory of Soil Biodiversity in the University of Neuchâtel (Switzerland) from 2012 to 2017. From 2019-2020, I did a Postdoc in São Paulo (Brazil), Ottawa (Canada) and Madrid (Spain) to learn single cells transcriptomics. From 2020 to 2022, I have worked in the LPG in the University of Angers (France) to discover the mysterious word of Foraminifera! I am now back in Switzerland and I have worked on the barcoding of Collembola and Acaria clade and also to work on an endangered species of Bumblebee. Now I have a Adjunct Scientist position in the HES-SO of Changins and I am working on the eukaryotic diversity and ecology of microorganisms living in soil vineyards.
Work experience
2023 - Now Adjunct Scientist Soil and Environment, HES-SO, Changins, Switzerland
80% Position (30% teaching and 50% reasearch)
2023 - 2024 Postdoc Soil and Environment, HES-SO, Changins, Switzerland
Project: VITAE Development of a soil microorganism diagnostic tool to better protect crops
2022 - 2023 Postdoc InfoFauna—Swiss Zoological Records Center, Neuchâtel, Switzerland
Project: Endangered bumblebee Bombus muscorum in Swiss wetlands: Insights on
interspecific competition and habitat use
2022 - 2023 Postdoc Laboratory of soil biodiversity, University of Neuchâtel, Switzerland
Project: ColAc: Swiss diversity of Collembola and Acaria
2020 - 2022 Postdoc UMR CNRS 6112 LPG-BIAF Bio-Indicateurs Actuels et Fossiles,
University of Angers
Project: FORESTAT – FORaminifera in ESTuaries of the french ATlantic coast.
2019 - 2020 Postdoc Laboratory of Evolutionary Protistology, University of São Paulo, Brazil
Project: From environmental metabarcoding/metatranscriptomic to a single-cell
transcriptomics: evaluation of human impact on the microeukaryotic diversity of the Tietê
River, Sao Paulo, Brazil.
2017 - 2019 Postdoc Laboratory of soil biodiversity, University of Neuchâtel, Switzerland
Project: The effect of cadavers, blood, urine and faeces on soil ecology.
2012 - 2017 PhD Laboratory of soil biodiversity, University of Neuchâtel, Switzerland
Project: A molecular approach to microeukaryotic diversity, ecology and biogeography
associated with Sphagnum mosses
12.09.2018 Laureate of the "Helen Tappan, Early Career Researcher Award 2018" of the International Society of Testate Amoeba Reseachers - ISTAR in recognition of a contribution to fundamental advances in understanding the taxonomy, community structure, and functional ecology of testate amoeba.
01.03.2018 Laureate of the “Karl Gottlieb Grell Award 2018” of the German Society of Protozoology in recognition of an outstanding contribution in the field of protistological research.
16.11.2017 Laureate of the “Prix Jean-Luc Crélerot 2018” of the University of Neuchâtel, in recognition of a PhD in the “evolution of the organisms” field of research.
Laboratory Skills
- Environmental and single cells DNA extraction
- PCR/Quantification/Libraries preparation (metabarcoding/ transcriptomic)
- Cloning/Sequencing technics
- Illumina sequencing
- Sequences analyses (Editing, Aligning, phylogenetic reconstruction)
- NGS Data Analysis (Cleaning, clustering, assigning...)
- Unix Shell Scripting
- R
Reviewer for:
- Nature Ecology and Evolution (1)
- Ecology Letters (1)
- Land Degradation & Development (1)
- Metabarcoding and Metagenomics (1)
- Environmental Microbiology (3)
- Molecular Ecology (3)
- Geoderma (2)
- Soil Biology and Biochemestry (1)
- Science of the Total Environment (1)
- FEMS Microbiology Ecology (1)
- Plos One (1)
- Microbial Ecology (2)
- Plant and Soil (1)
- Protist (1)
- Eukaryotic Microbiology (1)
- European Journal of Soil Biology (1)
- European Journal of Protistology (2)
- Hydrobiologia (1)
- Journal of Limnology (1)
- Environmental Science and Pollution Research (1)
French: Native
English: Professional working proficiency